25 Questions you should ask yourself, today.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” – Anaïs Nin Today is one of those days. You know those days? The type of day on which you just can’t catch your thoughts. Where you sit around, do your thing, and wonder. Wonder about everything – why? how? when? – … Continue reading 25 Questions you should ask yourself, today.

Do you hold grudges? Here is why you should stop.

“I am amazed by how many individuals mess up every new day with yesterday” – Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages Last year I read this book on ‘love languages’ by Gary Chapman, and this quote always stuck with me. It got me thinking, why do we do this?! Because if you think about it, … Continue reading Do you hold grudges? Here is why you should stop.

Why perfectionism sucks (and how blogging is going to help)

Right now, one day after my first post, I am itching to just delete the whole thing and start over again. I've already changed my theme 4 times, gotten stuck on the details, tried 9 different cover photo's, changed the name and and and.. HELP Hello, my name is me and I am a perfectionist. … Continue reading Why perfectionism sucks (and how blogging is going to help)